Eating Disorder Can Achieve Successful Recovery and Improve Their Overall Health

Trishita Deb
Trishita Deb

Updated · Jul 19, 2024

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“According to Eating Disorder Statistics, more than 9% of the world’s population has an eating disorder.”

Virtual Eating Disorder also negatively impacts an individual’s health, emotional well-being, and ability to function appropriately in various important areas of their life.

Top Eating Disorder Statistics

  • Less than 6% of individuals across the globe are medically diagnosed.
  • 28% to 74% of the risks of eating disorders are through genetic heritability.
  • More than 10,200 deaths are due to disorders worldwide every year.
  • Around 26% of individuals worldwide attempt suicide due to eating disorders.
  • More than 30% of people with disorders have experienced sexual abuse.
  • It is estimated that approximately 70 million people worldwide suffer from eating disorders.
  • Eating disorders have a high mortality rate of any mental illness, with an estimated 10% of individuals with anorexia nervosa.
  • Eating disorders are the third most common chronic illness among adolescents.
  • Women and girls are more likely to develop disorders than men and boys.
  • More than 10% of young women have eating disorders.

Prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa Eating Disorder Statistics

Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder that affects both men and women, but this disorder is more common in women. This disorder is characterized by a distorted body image, an intense fear of gaining weight, and persistent restrictions on food intake, which leads to severe weight loss.

  • The lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa in adults is 0.6%.
  • The lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa in females is three times higher than in males.
  • More than 10 million people in the United States will develop an eating disorder within their lifetime.
  • About one-third of transgender people with disorders.
  • 35% of female college athletes have an elevated risk of anorexia nervosa.
  • 10% of male athletes have an elevated risk of eating disorder anorexia nervosa.
  • About 20% of people with autism have anorexia nervosa disorder.
  • 95% of people with anorexia nervosa are between the ages of 12 to 25 years.
  • 1 out of 100 young women between the ages of 10 years had an anorexia nervosa eating disorder.

Eating Disorder Prevalence, Incidence & Trends in Asia

  • About 8.7% of females are suffering from Singapore.
  • About 50% of young adults with disorders in Singapore did not seek professional help.
  • It is estimated that around 3% of young adult women have an eating disorder, which is higher than the estimated prevalence of 1% to 2% in the general population.
  • About 14.8% of females have Eating Distress syndrome (EDS).
  • The prevalence of disorders in Hong Kong was around 3%, with anorexia Nervosa being the most common disorder.
  • The prevalence of disorders among female medical students in Southern India was around 13%.
  • It was found that non-fat-phobic anorexia nervosa accounted for only around 2% of cases of anorexia nervosa.
  • 1.6% of people in Pakistan have an Eating Syndrome disorder.
  • 33.73% of women’s in Fiji reported experiencing dissatisfaction with their weight.
  • 78.8% of students in Pakistan evidenced some degree of body dissatisfaction.
  • 40.4% of females in Pakistan are significantly more concerned about being thin.
  • 10.4% of students in Fiji have an elevated risk of ED.

Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorder Statistics

Bulimia nervosa is a disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, followed by purging behaviors such as vomiting, using laxatives or diuretics, fasting, or excessive exercise. People with bulimia nervosa disorder often feel a lack of control during binge eating episodes, which are typically accompanied by feelings of guilt shame, and self-disgust.

  • This disorder is more common in women than men and typically develops in adolescence or young adulthood.
  • The lifetime prevalence of bulimia nervosa for adult women ranges from 1.7%-2.0% and for men it ranges from 0.5%-0.7%.
  • 5.1% of girls with ethnic minority youth have bulimia nervosa disorder.
  • 2.35 of boys with ethnic minorities have bulimia nervosa disorder. 
  • 49% of youth with bulimia nervosa have major depression.
  • 66% of youth with bulimia nervosa have anxiety disorder.
  • 2% of adolescent boys/girls with diabetes engaged in self-included vomiting.
  • 21% OF Bahraini young adults have bulimic nervosa symptoms.
  • The prevalence of bulimia nervosa is higher in Middle Eastern Countries.
  • More than 40% of people with bulimia nervosa disorder reported symptoms of depression and anxiety due to lockdown.
  • 92% of hospital admissions for bulimia nervosa are for women.
  • 52% of hospitalized patients for bulimia nervosa have schizophrenia disorder and 23% of patients have depression disorder.
  • More than 34% of people with bulimia nervosa experience the night-eating syndrome.

Orthorexia Nervosa Statistics

  • About 1%-7% of the world population is affected with orthorexia nervosa eating disorders.
  • Orthorexia nervosa is most common in women as compared to men.
  • Orthorexia nervosa is common in college students as 25% of students at university experienced symptoms of orthorexia nervosa.
  • 85% of students who perform any sports activity experienced symptoms of anorexia nervosa.
  • Orthorexia nervosa is common in athletes, 52% of athletes have anorexia nervosa eating disorders.

Binge-Eating Disorders Statistics

Binge-eating disorder (BED) is a disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, in which a person consumes an abnormally large amount of food within a short period. Unlike bulimia nervosa, people with BED do not engage in compensatory behaviors, such as purging or excessive exercise, after binge eating episodes.

  • Binge-eating disorder is most common in the United States.
  • This disorder affects about 2.8 million adults in the United States.
  • 78.9% of the people with binge-eating disorder have another mental health disorder.
  • 65.1% of individuals with binge-eating disorders have anxiety symptoms.
  • 43.6% of individuals with binge-eating disorders are females.
  • It affects three times the number of those diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
  • The binge-eating disorders affect about 2% of the American Population.
  • 30% of patients who have had gastric bypass surgery (GBS) meet the DSM-5 criteria for binge eating disorder (BEDA).
  • The binge-eating disorder affects 3.5% of women in the United States.
  • 2% of men in the United States are affected with binge-eating disorder. 
  • 1.6% of adolescents with binge-eating disorder in the United States.

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Eating Disorders

The pandemic has caused widespread anxiety and stress, which boosted the symptoms. Many treatment facilities and support groups for eating disorders have reduced their services due to COVID-19 restrictions.

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, 41.9% of individuals reported reactivation of eating disorder symptoms.
  • About 25% of patients experienced worsening ED symptoms during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the incidence of eating disorders was 15.3% higher in 2020 as compared to previous years.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital admissions of people with ED increased by over 7.2% per month.
  • About 55.3% of females and 44.4% of males aged more than 15 years were diagnosed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Trishita Deb

Trishita Deb

Trishita has more than 8+ years of experience in market research and consulting industry. She has worked in various domains including healthcare, consumer goods, and materials. Her expertise lies majorly in healthcare and has worked on more than 400 healthcare reports throughout her career.

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